Photography Light

I have a photography tip.

Buy old slide projectors whenever you see them in a garage sale or whatever.

They are a really good source of light.

And of a colour, that if you put a slide of a nice day in them, they project something that looks like a nice day.


Natural light


And really bright.

Really less bright, if you drop in a filter or a paper towel, or some coloured cellophane or whatever else you might want to use. They have a purpose built slot that was designed to take a small square of something, and shine its qualities onto something else.


Or less brilliant.

Totally controllable!


$4 !

$2 if you haggle.

Dont haggle.

$4 is a good price.

They even have a focus dial.

Which is nice.

I guess.

120 Things in 20 years teaches that photography feels better if you give the slide projector guy the extra $2. It was the large flat screen TV of the 50s. He spent a lot on it.

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