A mouldy $5 canon EF 35-80mm zoom seems like a good candidate.
I actually made it work better than it did when I started.
Thats officially a successful repair.
We dont see many of those around here.
Odd feeling.
I attacked the rubber grip of the lens by lifting it up with a small flat head screwdriver, and sliding it up to reveal the three screws that control the zoom function.
Once that was done, the lens started falling apart. All it took was finding where the screws were in the first place. All the places I was told to start by the Internet were all false leads. Im guessing things like lenses are made by the lowest bidder at the time, so these things probably change design all the time.
Luckily I had uncounted them when I pulled apart my point and shoot canon digital, and discovered they werent really all that fragile.
I covered it with a folded bit of paper so the pliers wouldnt scratch the circuit off and pulled.
I also tried to avoid touching anything that looked like it might be copper. I have a feeling that touching stuff might lead to corrosion.
Probably just being paranoid, but it wasnt any really effort to avoid it. I should buy some cotton gloves for this kind of thing.
Robots are probably better at putting stuff like this back together, so I took a lot of photos as I was unbuilding it, so that I might have a chance of putting it back together.
Thats a tip.
Take lots of photos of things as you pull them apart.
Its like a switch that drags its contacts along a curved section of circuit board tracks so that the contacts keep in contact when you rotate the lens to zoom.
Or perhaps they adjust the aperture as you zoom, as Ive noticed the available aperture range changes from one extreme of zoom to the other.
Who knows what its really for, but I bent it convincingly out of shape when I was putting the thing back together.
I managed to fix it, but two of the pins will never be the same again.
Its a cluster of ... three I think it was... lenses (two at least, but I think one was made of two), that I think also contains the aperture control.
The aperture control stuff must be in there, because there was nothing else with electronics in the lens.
This things all had mould, but the other side of the one you can see in this pic had the most.
I hope this isnt too technical for the reader.
Is bit even a word in this context...
Thats the before and after shots with this lens.
Most of the milkiness is gone, but there is still a bit of mould on the front bunch of lenses, but I think I might hack them off and convert this thing to a macro lens.
Ive been reading up on lenses, and how to hack bits off lenses that you dont want, and turn them into lenses that you do want.
Anyway, not a bad outcome for a $5, brand name, auto focus, zoom lens.
I cant wait to cut bits off it.
120 things in 20 years - Where you will still find someone who thinks a lens doing its auto focus thing is excitingly like having a robot. You also might find someone interested in photography trying to open a lens to see if there really is a man inside who does the focusing. (theres not by the way)
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