Kratky Method DWC Compost Tea Hydroponics 2 Hydroponic Tomatoes

I have considered conducting this same experiment.  After skipping ahead to #5 it appears that using synthetic fertilizer won out over compost tea.
It only makes sense if you believe the vast amount of research that has been done around formulas.

Here are the formulas Ive been able to collect from

Tomato Formula 4-18-38
  Dutch Tomato Varieties
     2.27 gm/gal Chem-Gro 4-18-38
     1.14 gm/gal CaNO3
     1.14 gm/gal MgSO4
     pH = 6.5
     Conductivity 1200ppm + Source water
    (1.60 mhos + Source Water) at 2nd cluster of flowers
   To 4th Flower Cluster
     2.27 gm/gal Chem-Gro 4-18-38
     2.27 gm/gal CaNO3
     1.14 gm/gal MgSO4
     pH = 6.2
     Conductivity 1500ppm + Source water
      (2.00 mhos + Source Water) at 4th cluster of flowers
   Older Plants
     2.27 gm/gal Chem-Gro 4-18-38
     2.27 gm/gal CaNO3
     1.14 gm/gal MgSO4
     pH = 6.2
     Conductivity 1500ppm + Source water
      (2.27 mhos + Source Water)

Heirloom Tomatoes may find this formula a bit too high in nitrogen so some experimentation will be required.

Chem-Gro makes several fertilizers.
Below are formulas that balance NPK and nutrients specifically for different crops.
Tomato Formula 4-18-38
Strawberry Formula 8-12-32
Lettuce Formula 8-15-36
Cucumber Formula 8-16-36
Pepper and Herb Formula 11-11-40
Hobby Formula 10-8-22
Southern Vegetable Formula 7-14-36
Hydroponic Special Formula 5-11-26

Strawberry Formula 8-12-32
   After Transplanting
     1.14 gm/gal Chem-Gro 8-12-32
     1.14 gm/gal CaNO3
     0.71 gm/gal MgSO4
     pH = 6.5 - 6.8
   Flowers Begin To Open
     1.70 gm/gal Chem-Gro 8-12-32
     1.70 gm/gal CaNO3
     1.14 gm/gal MgSO4
     pH = 6.5 - 6.8

Lettuce Formula 8-15-36
     2.27 gm/gal Chem-Gro 8-15-36
     1.70 gm/gal CaNO3
     1.14 gm/gal MgSO4
     pH = 6.4 - 6.7
     1350 ppm + Source Water
     1.80 mhos + Source Water
   Mature Plants
     2.27 gm/gal Chem-Gro 8-15-36
     2.27 gm/gal CaNO3
     1.41 gm/gal MgSO4
     pH  = 6.0 - 6.5
     1575 ppm + Source Water
     2.10 mhos + Source Water

Cucumber Formula 8-16-36
     2.27 gm/gal Chem-Gro 8-16-36
     1.70 gm/gal CaNO3
     1.14 gm/gal MgSO4
     pH = 6.4 - 6.7
     1350 ppm + Source Water
     1.80 mhos + Source Water
   Mature Plants
     2.27 gm/gal Chem-Gro 8-16-36
     2.27 gm/gal CaNO3
     1.42 gm/gal MgSO4
     pH  = 6.4 - 6.7
     1570 ppm + Source Water
     2.20 mhos + Source Water

 Pepper and Herb Formula 11-11-40
     2.27 gm/gal Chem-Gro 11-11-40
     1.70 gm/gal CaNO3
     1.14 gm/gal MgSO4
     pH = 6.2 - 6.5
     1350 ppm + Source Water
     1.60 mhos + Source Water
   Mature Plants
     2.27 gm/gal Chem-Gro 11-11-40
     2.27 gm/gal CaNO3
     1.41 gm/gal MgSO4
     pH  = 5.8 - 6.2
     1500 ppm + Source Water
     2.20 mhos + Source Water
 Hobby Formula 10-8-22

     2.27 gm/gal Chem-Gro 10-8-22
     1.14 gm/gal MgSO4
     pH = 6.2 - 6.5
     800 ppm + Source Water
     1.07 mhos + Source Water
   Mature Plants
     4.54 gm/gal Chem-Gro 10-8-22
     1.14 gm/gal MgSO4
     pH  = 6.2 - 6.5
     1500 ppm + Source Water
     2.00 mhos + Source Water

 Southern Vegetable Formula 7-14-36
     2.27 gm/gal Chem-Gro 7-14-36
     1.70 gm/gal CaNO3
     1.14 gm/gal MgSO4
     pH = 6.4 - 6.7
     1375 ppm + Source Water
     1.83 mhos + Source Water
   Mature Plants
     2.27 gm/gal Chem-Gro 7-14-36
     2.27 gm/gal CaNO3
     1.41 gm/gal MgSO4
     pH  = 6.0 - 6.5
     1575 ppm + Source Water
     2.10 mhos + Source Water

Hydroponic Special Formula 5-11-26
     2.84 gm/gal Chem-Gro 11-11-26
     1.14 gm/gal CaNO3
     0.57 gm/gal MgSO4
     pH = Adjust to your crop
     1350 ppm + Source Water
     1.80 mhos + Source Water
   Mature Plants
     2.84 gm/gal Chem-Gro 11-11-40
     2.27 gm/gal CaNO3
     1.14 gm/gal MgSO4
     pH  = Adjust to your crop
     1570 ppm + Source Water
     2.20 mhos + Source Water


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