Water Rules for Chico CA

Lawn watering restricted to three days a week.
Odd numbered addresses: Sunday, Wednesday and Friday.
Even numbered addresses, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
No lawn watering on Monday
• No watering from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., except by drip irrigation, microsprayers or by hand.
• New homes need to have drip irrigation for landscaping.
•Water should not flow to non-irrigated surfaces, like sidewalks or into the gutter.
• When watering, water should not run off the landscaping.
• When washing cars, the hose needs to have a shut-off nozzle.
• Water features such as fountains need to recirculate.
• No watering outdoors within 48 hours of a measurable amount of rain.
• No watering or refilling ornamental lakes or ponds except to sustain existing aquatic life.

For the past few years I have been actively experimenting with many water conservative method of gardening.  I have built experimental gardens which I enjoy sharing with others. 

If you are interested seeing a variety of water saving ideas, and wish to visit my gardens send me a message on Facebook - bob.campbell.chico

Some of my gardens can be scaled up to commercial size while others are appropriate for apartment balconies.

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