
There are several areas where toxicity should be considered.  Here are some questions to ask about the materials we use in our systems.  ...
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Ray has documented an experiment where he weeded one section of his garden and let the other go natural.  So what do you think?  Is weeding...
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Aquaponic grow room

Ive begun to build my grow room inside my shop.Over the years I have saved materials from various construction jobs.So far all of the materials have been...
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Sister Simone Campbell Urges us to Engage in Holy Curiousity and Sacred Gossip

"Faith calls us in the Christian tradition to carry Jesus into the marketplace, to ask the questions Jesus would ask now,” Campbell said. “We the people...
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Testing Garden Assumptions

I dont believe everything I read or hear and tend to experiment with a lot of ideas.  This guy likes to do the same, but I have to say he is doing...
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Aquaponics Sweet Remano peppers

I harvested the first of my very late capsicums today.This is my all time favourite variety called Sweet Remano pepper.They are very late to...
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Wicking Pool

Ive been designing a low cost system aiming  the lowest possible utility demand, and the best nitrification possible. I have a theory that its all...
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Aquaponics Cucumber

Cucumber.Strange word.Anyway, Ive been getting good results with hand pollination. For some reason the female flowers (the ones with the fruit attached to...
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The Power of the Sun

DIY Solar Course - a mere $50So what to do when the power fails? I guess the recent earthquake and tsunami got me thinking, again, about "preparedness."...
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Aquaponics Self cleaning swirl filter revisited

One of the many people named Anonymous took the time to comment on my self cleaning swirl filter, so I thought Id revisit the topic with some...
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Moving this sucker

Titan Atlas, the heavens on his shouldersI goofed. When I set up my initial system, I wasnt sure what my final design would look like. So I put a full...
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Expanding the Outdoor System

I should be getting my new AZFlo 2400 pump this week.  This will be my pick up tube.Slots cut in 2" PVC DWV and wrapped with cooler pad.Hopefully...
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Tanks and Grow Media

If I only knew then what I know now...I like these troughs I found at Tractor Supply.  They are a bit shallow, but I think they will do very well.Heres...
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A Handbook For Aquaponics

Gardening with aquaponics is a passion for me.  For almost 2 years Ive visited my fish first thing in the morning, and its the last thing I do before...
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Duckweed and String Algae

The video above is one of the best for both duckweed and string algae.String Algae may begin to grow in your system.  Its not all bad because it...
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Ive been inspected

Virginia Department of Game and Inland FisheriesHis name is John Odenkirk, and hes Certified Fisheries Scientist #2043. Hes the guy who inspects aquaponics...
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Starting From Seeds

Ive had a lot of trouble with my seed starts.  But today I read a forum discussion that made some very good points which I will begin to follow. ...
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What lurks beneath

A Monster ZucchiniI popped out to the garden tonight to feed the fish and spent a few seconds gathering ripe eggplant and tomatoes. As I passed the end...
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Yellow Mottling on my Spinach Plants

Update 2012/12/23In this post I examined and searched for the cause of yellow mottling on these spinach leaves.   Finally I found that the cause...
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